Cocktail Blog

How to Make the Painkiller
How to make the Pain Killer a rum inspired cocktail originally created at the Soggy Dollar bar, then later patented by Pusser's Rum.
How to Make the Painkiller
How to make the Pain Killer a rum inspired cocktail originally created at the Soggy Dollar bar, then later patented by Pusser's Rum.

How to make the Caipirinha
Let's make the Caipirinha the national drink of Brazil. A tart refreshing rum cocktail that features Cachaça a rum made from natural sugar cane juice.
How to make the Caipirinha
Let's make the Caipirinha the national drink of Brazil. A tart refreshing rum cocktail that features Cachaça a rum made from natural sugar cane juice.

How to make a Pisco Sour
Lets make the National Drink of Peru and Chile the Pisco Sour. A refreshing and delicious cocktail that has become world famous!
How to make a Pisco Sour
Lets make the National Drink of Peru and Chile the Pisco Sour. A refreshing and delicious cocktail that has become world famous!